The MISSING link
( some of the words from the “Looking out, looking in” exhibition 2016)
We are stuck on the “fixing model”. Where is the “acceptance” model? The blindfolded ones justifying their decisions for the deaf children.
Where are the rights of deaf children? Where are their rights to be bilingual?
where are their rights to be themselves?
Deafness is in our DNA.Diversity is in our DNA. What is the missing link?
Who are the experts in deafness? Who makes the decisions for deaf people?
Who speaks for the deaf child?
90% of deaf children are born to hearing families. What is the missing link? Every day a child is born. Every day a deaf child is born. Every day a unique child is born. Everything is diverse.Without diversity, nothing would exist.
Where are the support for families? Where is the right for the families to be bilingual? Where is the right for the deaf child to choose? What is the missing link?
It is ok to be bilingual, It is healthy to be bilingual. It is freedom to be bilingual. What is the missing link?
Meet the experts – the deaf people, ask them questions, book an interpreter. “What is it like to be deaf, what do you like about being deaf, what makes you happy?”
I cant be hearing – you might become deaf, Where is the bridge? I am here and you are there.
The child has the right to access a language that is accessible and meaningful. The child has the right to choose. The child has the right to be accepted as who they are.
Why do we create worlds where we self loath when we can encourage self love?
Its ok to be blingual.
Its ok to be yourself
Its ok to be me
Accepting is empowering
Accepting is powerful. Accepting is strong.
Accepting diversity is a celebration of life.
Irene Holub © 2016